Tree without fruits is meaningless
Everything that exists originates from Allah s.w.t, including knowledge. Referring to Al Jurjani who is one of the Muslim scholars; knowledge is an established quality (of being knowledgeable) by which a person is able to know or perceive the general as well as particulars. According to Syed Naquib Al Attas, knowledge is a capacity to eliminate ignorance, legitimate and expectations.
Rasulullah s.a.w once said;
"To seek knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim" and "seek knowledge even though it be in China."
Thus, showing the necessity of knowledge in humans life. The Quran itself in lucid and self-explanatory terms has laid great emphasis on the acquisition of knowledge in Surah Al 'Alaq. There is also ample evidence in Quran that knowledge was essential even for the prophets. "And unto Sulaiman (were subdued) the wind in its raging. It set by his command toward the land which We had blessed. And of everything We are aware." The importance which the Quran attaches to knowledge can further be explained by the frequency with which it has used the word ilm (knowledge). According to one estimate it has been used 750 times in The Holy Quran. In short, knowledge is a crucial factor in our life.
The first surah revealed to Muhammad s.a.w was Surah Al 'Alaq (verse 1-5). The command (Iqra') which means read to the Prophet s.a.w. was an important sign that bring up the importance of knowledge in human life as ilm is the first revealed word and also the indicator showing that Muhammad s.a.w has been chosen as the last Prophet. Therefore, knowledge is a significance factor in determining the ranking of men. Learned man is honored by Allah s.w.t. and Allah has stated in Surah Al Mujadalah (verse 11);
"He will raise up those people who believes and have been granted knowledge to a certain ranks."
From this verse, we know that being a knowledgeable individual will be raised to a higher rank by Allah s.w.t. Besides, religion and knowledge are the two main pillars of human life.
The essence of devotion in Islam is to work ceaselessly for the glory of Almighty God and to abide with His commands in shaping human destiny on this earth. Ibadah is the only instrument by which this obligation can be fulfilled. Thus, with knowledge Muslims can perform their ibadah properly whether ibadah khassah or ibadah ammah as well as performing their roles as vicegerent of Allah on earth to the fullest. But, ibadah without knowledge remains hollow, and knowledge by itself would be meaningless unless it is translated into action. Syed Naquib Al Attas said; "knowledge itself is the arrival of personal meaning in oneself to coincide with the arrival of themselves towards the meaning."
In addition, Al Ghazali once warned his pupil; "O youth, knowledge without work is insanity, and work without knowledge is vanity." Both ilm (knowledge) and amal (action) are needed to give enrichment and meaning to life. When we get the understanding , we are supposed to be able to distinguish between halal and haram, and see perils and machinations of shaytan, thus avoid the traps he sets for us (human). Not only that, the knowledge taught in Al Quran and Sunnah shall be the defense tool that prevents a person from doing the things that are forbidden by sharia. To conclude, without implementation, the tree of knowledge will not bear any fruit and one would never be able to attain the nearness to Allah which is the ultimate goal of all learning.
Moreover, Islam has insisted that life is to be lived in a positive and effective manner and that an individual has deep obligations towards the collective welfare of the community. To achieve this objective it is essential to maintain a constant flow of fresh knowledge into the society so that its members can be saved from ignorance and stagnation. The knowledge development very much help in advancement and burgeoning of the earliest civilizations. The pre-Islamic Arabia was not entirely denuded of learning but whatever evidence has been preserved shows that knowledge as something higher, nobler and truer did not exist at that time. The Prophet s.a.w for the first time in the history of Arabian peninsula made knowledge an essential tool for understanding realities of life. Under his inspiring guidance, learning required respect and reverence which remained the hallmark of Islamic civilization for centuries afterwards.
Indeed, worldly knowledge such as engineering, architecture, medicine and mathematics as well as law can help in our ummah betterment too. For such knowledge was encouraged to learn as it can benefits it possessors and other people for ensuring their goodness, safety and happiness. For example ilm fardhu 'ain and ilm fardhu kifayah.
Ibnu Mas'ud said; "the Quran was revealed in order that men may direct lives according to its teaching. But instead it have made your life work."
Abu Allah 'Ata also said that; "knowledge is dependent upon acting on it."
Knowledge is a great fertilizer of the human mind, and to have the maximum harvest out of human existence it is essential to enrich one's life with continuous learning. Al Bukhari in his monumental work attributes a tradition to the Prophet s.a.w which says that the disappearance of knowledge and absence of scholars from society would spell the demise of human civilization. If we know how to use the knowledge correctly, it will bring upstanding effect on our life also towards people around us.
Last but not least, the goal of Muslim (knowledge) is to seek pleasure of Allah and to create and maintain an environment in which one can act without hindrance for the pleasure of Allah, worship Allah as He should be worshiped, and follow the commands of Allah and avoid the things He has prohibited. Knowledge is the guardian of soul, architect of morality and custodian of values and ideals which are the major determinants of human destiny both here and hereafter.
It is just like Imam Shafi'e said, "knowledge is not what is memorized. Knowledge is what benefits." In other words, that which has result in terms of our deeds. Thus, we as the lead of Rasulullah's generation should lift high the prestige of knowledge by learning it by heart and spread it to others. The people of knowledge are the "heirs of the Prophet", as the Messenger of Allah said before. He also said; "Wisdom adds honour to the noble and exalts the slave until he attains to the level of kings."
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